Women of the Bible - Ahinoam
In my study of Ahinoam I find that one is the wife of Saul and the other David's wife. Although we know little about these two women her name means brother is delight and gracious. David's Ahinoam was mentioned six times in the scriptures. She is the mother of David's first son Ammon. Saul's wife is the daughter of Ahimoaz. We don't know why we know so little about these women we can only make assumptions. One popular assumption is that David was more significant in sacred history than Saul therefore we read about his wife more times than Saul's.
Ahinoam was Saul's sole wife yet she was never associated with the names of their children. She was a presence in the royal household that it seems no one took notice of. This impression is strengthened when we take a look at the marriage of David and Michael, Saul's daughter. When Saul denounced the marriage of his daughter Michael and took her from David and gave her to another man, where was her mother. How did this make her mother feel? The scripture does not give us details revolving around this incident just as it does not tell us where Ahinoam was when Saul tried to kill David and Michael bravely stood by her husband. Could it be she was deceased or just one of the well meaning but in effective individuals who wanted the best for her daughter but was too fearful to intercede on her behalf.
We are the bride and God is the husband. Daily I must search myself to ensure I am not trying to be like someone else but that I am being transformed to become more like Christ. My prayer is Lord help me to maintain a godly personality and not to be changed or blown by every wind and doctrine but allow me to hold onto your truths that I may be an example of you. Search me dear Lord and remove anything that is displeasing to you. Mold your character within me that I can be changed into your likeness and image. Help me to be pleasing in all that I say and do on a daily basis. Forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. May this study of the women of the bible reveal characteristic from which can be molded into my life or reveal traits that need immediate removable that I not be hindered in my walk with you Lord. In Jesus name I pray!
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